At a recent craft show, a woman walked up to my table and told me that she thought my jewelry was disgusting. This kind of shocked me because it is something I would never do. But I think I might know what she was talking about. It was the gun shells. Maybe she is disgusted by guns, more often times, I'm disgusted by what people do with guns but I think my jewelry is beautiful.
My dad is a gun collector. Well, he'll collect anything of value, I guess that is called hoarding;) He does not hunt, he does not even shoot the guns he has because he would not want to lower the value of it. When I was a child he had a few that he did take to the rifle range to target shoot. He reloaded the brass shells he used and I would help him measure out the gun powder and put the bullet in the shell. It was fun spending time with my dad and I felt important doing it because I knew how dangerous they could be.
So recently while in an antique store, I came across some nickel plated gun shells and decided they would make great pendants. I immediately wanted some small ones to make earrings, then large ones for necklaces, I can even do bracelets as well. Maybe next just some simple keychains? For some men, that is all the personal adornment they would ever want. Like my brother, he never wears jewelry, but I think a gun shell would make a great keychain for his motorcycle.
A few minutes after the disgusted woman was dragged off by her daughter, another woman approached me to make some pendants for her grandkids. Her husband had recently passed; they had a 21 gun salute at his funeral and they gave her the shells. Those are the people I make my jewelry for. I do not use my jewelry to express my opinions about our second amendment. I will leave that up to the person wearing the jewelry. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!
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